The Archaeological Museum of Heraklion hosts the performance “Lucrece, A Music Theatre Narrative” on the 30th and 31st August, an event included in the initiative All of Greece, One Culture 2024.
Lucrece, the most virtuous wife in the whole of Rome, ignites an illicit passion in Tarquin, the king’s son. After being raped, entrapped in the contradictory ethical demands of her time, she kills herself. Her suicide triggers the expulsion of the kings and the establishment of the Roman Republic. This is the version of the story, as told in one of the most well-known European legends.
William Shakespeare’s narrative poem The Rape of Lucrece highlights the clash between modernity and the earlier, compact, medieval world that is falling apart: it portrays the struggle of the new, independent thinker against the outdated arbitrariness of the lords. The male world of the countryside, wars, and unbridled power is contrasted with the female world of innerness, negotiation, and ethical boundaries. Inspired by Shakespeare’s Lucrece, six musicians, two actors, and a choreographer collaborate to create a music theatre narrative, blending speech and movement with musical improvisations and scores from the late Renaissance, early Baroque, and the 20th century.
The production is included in the programme All of Greece, One Culture 2024 organised by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and is offered at no cost to the visitors.
Advance booking is necessary.
Information – Advance booking in the website:
Dates: 30.08 & 31.08.2024
Start Time: 21:00
Duration: 75΄
Text: William Shakespeare
Concept, musical supervision: Fani Vovoni
Translation: Lenia Safiropoulou
Μovement coach: Tasos Karachalios
Dramaturgy team: Fani Vovoni, Anthi Efstratiadou, Lenia Zafeiropoulou, Tasos Karachalios, Aris Mpalis
Cast: Aris Balis, Anthi Efstratiadou
Musical ensemble: Fani Antonelou (soprano), Lenia Safiropoulou (mezzo-soprano), Fani Vovoni (violin Ι), Zoi Pouri (violin ΙΙ), Hanna Pakkala (viola), Athanasia Teliou (violoncello)
ΑΜΚΕ Ex Silentio
Heraklion Archaeological Museum
Xanthoudidou & Hatzidaki str.
Tel.: 2810-279000