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Heraklion Archaeological Museum

The Heraklion Archaeological Museum is one of the oldest and most remarkable museums in Greece, and among the most important museums in Europe. It houses representative artefacts from all periods of Cretan prehistory and history, covering a chronological span of over 5,500 years from the Neolithic period to Roman times. The Heraklion Archaeological Museum prides itself for its unique Minoan collection, which includes the masterpieces of Minoan art. It is rightly considered as the Museum of Minoan Culture par excellence.

Located in the town center, it was designed by the architect Patroklos Karantinos and was built between 1935 and 1958 on a site previously occupied by the Venetian monastery of Saint-Francis which was destroyed by earthquake in 1856. The ruins of the monastery are visible in the Museum’s garden.

The Museum building is an important example of the Greek Modernist style of architecture. The colours and building materials used, along with the multicoloured veined marble, are reminiscent of the painted imitation marble revetments of the Minoan palaces. The two-storey building includes extensive exhibition rooms, an audiovisual media room and laboratories. The Museum also has a vestibule, a gift shop leased from the Hellenic Organization of Cultural Resources Development, and a cafeteria in the garden.

Along with the permanent exhibition, the Museum organizes temporary exhibitions in Greece and abroad, creates and implements educational programs, collaborates with scientific and scholarly institutions, and hosts a variety of cultural events.

View the Museum's brochure in all available languages.


The first archaeological collection of the city of Heraklion was constituted in 1883 with the initiative of the local Association of Friends of Education, which was headed by the doctor and antiquarian Joseph Chatzidakis. Chatzidakis also obtained permission from the Ottoman authorities to establish the first 'archaeological service'. The collection was housed inside two rooms in the courtyard of the cathedral of Saint Minas, and by 1900 was enriched with private donations, new acquisitions and finds from the first small excavations and surface surveys. After large-scale excavations began on the island in 1900, the archaeological collection housed the first important finds. Around that time, under the first Keepers of Antiquities Joseph Chatzidakis and Stephanos Xanthoudidis, the Museum was ceded to the newly established Cretan state and was subsequently moved to the Barracks - now housing the Region of Crete Service.

The first display room was built in 1904-1907, designed by architect Wilhelm Dörpfeld and Panagis Kavvadias, Secretary of the Athens Archaeological Society​, over the remains of the famous Venetian monastery of Saint Francis, next to the Hounkiar Djami. The antiquities' collection was moved there from the Barracks, after the addition of a second room in 1908. In 1912, this small building was given a Neoclassical appearance with the construction of a west wing. The collection continued to be enriched by the finds from the great excavations conducted all over the island by Greek and foreign archaeologists.

The construction of the current museum began in 1935 on plans by architect Patroklos Karantinos. During the Second World War the museum's antiquities were at great risk, but they were saved thanks to the exertions of director Nikolaos Platon. Platon supervised the re-exhibition of the museum's treasures and the museum opened its doors to the public in 1952. In 1962 the Museum bought the collection of the Cretan doctor Stylianos Giamalakis, which was displayed on the first floor. In 1964 a new wing was added to the building and the Museum's director Stylianos Alexiou subsequently completed the exhibition.

In 2014, an extensive renovation project (co-funded by the European Union) including building restoration and redevelopment of the exhibition was accomplished and the Heraklion Archaeological Museum opened to the public again.


The Archaeological Museum of Heraklion (AMH), established under the provisions of Greek Law No. 5021/2023 (Government Gazette 31/A΄/15.02.2023), is a legal entity under the supervision of the Hellenic Minister of Culture. Its purpose is the museum operation within the framework of the Greek Code of Legislation for the Protection of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage in General (Greek Law no 4858/2021, Government Gazette 220/Α΄/19.11.2021) and the public policy for the protection and promotion of Greece’s cultural heritage.

The administrative bodies of AMH are the seven-member Administration Council and the General Director.



The Administration Council of AMH is composed of seven members that are appointed for a three-year period. The Administration Council of AMH is responsible for implementing the Museum’s policy within the framework of the Greek Code of Legislation for the Protection of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage in General, as well as the public policy for the protection and promotion of Greece’s cultural heritage, as determined exclusively by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture.


Professor Joakim Gryspolakis, former Rector and Professor Emeritus of the Technical University of Crete

Vice President

Professor Konstantinos Alketas Oungrinis, Professor of Architecture at the Technical University of Crete

Members of the Board of Directors

Eftichis Vasilakis, Businessman

Professor Panagiotis Parthenios, Professor of Architecture at the Technical University of Crete

Penelope Mavroudi - Tavlaridou, Conservator of Antiquities and Works of Art

Dr Eleni Papadopoulou, Head of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Chania, Hellenic Ministry of Culture

Vasiliki Papageorgiou, Head of the Directorate for Documentation and Protection of Cultural Assets, Hellenic Ministry of Culture

According to the:

- Greek Law No. 5021/2023 (Government Gazette 31/A΄/15.02.2023): Founding Law of Museums as Public Legal Entities.

- The Decision No. 186760/13.04.2023 (Greek Government Gazette 347/YODD/13.04.2023) “Transitional placement of the President and Vice-President and appointment of the rest of the members of the Administration Council of the Public Legal Entity titled ‘Archaeological Museum of Heraklion’”.

- The Decision No. 59184/12.02.2024 (Greek Government Gazette 125/YODD/13.02.2024) “Amendment of Decision No. 186760/13.4.2023 (Greek Government Gazette 347/YODD/13.04.2023) ‘Transitional placement of the President and Vice-President and appointment of the rest of the members of the Administration Council of the Public Legal Entity titled ‘Archaeological Museum of Heraklion’”.



The General Director is responsible for the scientific, research and administrative planning of the Museum and ensures its implementation, in accordance with its objectives and cultural and economic policy, within the framework of the Greek Code of Legislation for the Protection of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage in General and the public policy for the protection and promotion of Greece’s cultural heritage, as determined exclusively by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture.

General Director

Dr Stella Chryssoulaki, Honorary Ephore of Antiquities of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture

According to Decision No. 186796/13.04.2023 (Greek Government Gazette 368/YODD/19.04.2023) “Appointment of the General Director of the Public Legal Entity titled ‘Archaeological Museum of Heraklion’”.



The organizational units of AMH constitute the General Directorate, to which the following Directorates, Departments and an Independent Office belong, in accordance with the Presidential Decree No. 40/2024 (Greek Government Gazette 122/A΄/01.08.2024):


Directorate of Collections and Exhibitions (D1)

The Directorate of Collections and Exhibitions (D1) is responsible for:

i. the safekeeping, documentation, publication, conservation, recording, research, study and generally the management of the collections of the museum in accordance with the principles of modern museology, as well as for the exhibition and promotion to the public of the cultural assets stored in it,

ii. the enrichment of the museum collections, which do not constitute monuments, through purchases, donations, bequests, as well as in any other legal manner,

iii. participation in international and European programs, the organization of and participation in conferences and seminars,

iv. the archaeometric research of the museum collections, which is carried out with the responsibility of the Department of Prehistoric Antiquities and Antiquities of Historical Times and the Department of Conservation of Antiquities, Works of Art and Archaeometry.

Director: Katerina Athanasaki (E-mail:


  • Department of Prehistoric Antiquities and Antiquities of Historical Times
  • Department of Museology, Museography and Exhibitions
  • Department of Conservation of Antiquities, Works of Art and Archaeometry


Administrative, Financial and Technical Support Directorate (D2)

The Administrative, Financial and Technical Support Directorate (D2) is responsible for:

i. the planning and support for the implementation of all administrative, managerial and financial procedures required for the operation of AMH using modern technology,

ii. the technical works and maintenance of all types of installations and building infrastructure of the Museum and its external areas,

iii. the management and maintenance of all electronic, electrical and mechanical systems of the Museum,

iv. the proper operation and coordination of the Departments, the planning of their annual operation, the quantitative and qualitative control of the work produced, the encouragement of the staff to use new technologies and the provision of the necessary equipment for this purpose, the presentation to the public of the report of the works on an annual basis.

Director: Maria Krasanaki - Chronaki (E-mail:


  • Human Resources and Administrative Support Department
  • Financial Management and Procurement Department
  • Technical Support and Building Facilities Department


Directorate of Publications and Digital Applications (D3)

The Directorate of Publications and Digital Applications (D3) is responsible for:

i. the publication of museum information leaflets and the production of scientific leaflets and digital publications,

ii. the responsibility for the scientific and technical integrity of museum publications,

iii. the progressive increase in the use of digital publications and applications, as well as the production of special educational publications,

iv. the maintenance of archives of photographs, slides and drawings and of digital libraries,

v. the proper operation and the annual planning of the works, the quantitative and qualitative control of the work produced, the encouragement of the staff to use new technologies and the provision of the necessary equipment for this purpose, the presentation to the public of the report of the works on an annual basis, vi. the utilization, evaluation and expansion of the infrastructures concerning information and communication, the implementation of innovative data recording and registration models, as well as the simplification of scientific and administrative procedures through the use of Information and Communication Technologies.

Director: Dr Stella Mandalaki (E-mail:


  • Department of Scientific Publications and Libraries
  • Department of Documentation, Digital Applications and Archives


Directorate of Communication and Visitor Reception (D4)

The Directorate of Communication and Visitor Reception (D4) is responsible for:

i. the promotion of the Museum in Greece and abroad and the planning, proposal and implementation of communication and promotional programs,

ii. the management of Museum’s relations with the digital and printed press, the organization of press conferences and for the communication and the relations of the Museum with the Mass Media,

iii. the coordination of the communication policy, in order to achieve an increase in the number of visitors and an increase in the participation of citizens and of the educational community in the Museum’s cultural events and educational programs,

iv. the preparation of information brochures,

v. the creation of a complete and constantly updated operation of the Museum’s website,

vi. ensuring the development of Museum’s organic identity (brand) and its implementation,

vii. organizing lectures, conferences, screenings, performances, concerts, other artistic or scientific tributes and other events, at the Museum’s premises or elsewhere, as well as abroad, for the success of the Museum's objectives,

viii. managing requests from entities for the concession or rental of the Museum’s communal areas, the planning and overall supervision of events,

ix. accommodating the visitors and providing every possible facilitation for a regular and satisfactory visit at the Museum,

x. managing requests for issuing permits for filming, videotaping and photographing at the museum in collaboration with the co-responsible Departments,

xi. communicating the Museum’s positions on any issue related to its work and mission,

xii. monitoring the economic and political press, informing the competent bodies and organic units of the Museum on issues related to its responsibilities and ensuring the response to relevant publications,

xiii. accommodating the Museum’s visitors and ensuring the efficient operation of its shops and its coffee shop,

xiv. the proper operation and coordination of its Departments, the annual planning of works, the quantitative and qualitative control of the work produced, the encouragement of the staff to use new technologies and the provision of the necessary equipment for this purpose, the presentation to the public of the report on the works on an annual basis,

xv. the planning, management of issues that arise during the entry, stay and use of the Museum’s organic units by visitors and the continuous improvement and development of these services.

Director: Dr Dimitris Mylonas (E-mail:


  • Department of Communication, Promotion and Educational Programs
  • Department of Museum Custody and Security


Independent Legal Support Office

The Independent Legal Support Office, presided over by the Legal Advisor of AMH, reports to the President of the Administration Council of the Museum and its task is to provide overall legal support to the services and the administration of AMH.

  • Categories


1 January – New Year’s Day: closed

6 January – Epiphany: 08:30 – 15:30

Shrove Monday: 08:30 – 15:30

25 March – National Holiday: closed

Good Friday: 12:00 – 17:00

Holy Saturday: 08:00 – 15:30

1 May: closed

Easter Sunday: closed

Easter Monday: 08:00 – 20:00

Holy Spirit Day: 08:00 – 20:00

15 August  – Assumption of Virgin Mary: 08:00 – 20:00

28 October OXI Day: 08:00 – 20:00

25 December – Christmas: closed

26 December – Day after Christmas: closed